Common Types of Computer Viruses

                         Types of Computer Viruses

Computer viruses have the “virus” name because they resemble illnesses in the way they infect a system. Doctors can usually diagnose a virus based on symptoms exhibited by the body. IT professionals can do the same with computers. Typical signs of computer virus infections include:

  • Ongoing crashes and blue screen errors
  • Slow performance
  • Missing files
  • Low storage
  • Unexpected behavior
  • Constant browser pop-ups
  • Unidentifiable programs
  • Increased network activity
  • Disabled security software

1. Resident Virus

Resident viruses set up shop in your RAM and meddle with your system operations. They’re so sneaky that they can even attach themselves to your anti-virus software files.

2. Multipartite Virus

This virus infects the entire system – multipartite viruses spread by performing unauthorized actions on your operating system, folders, and programs.

3. Direct Action

This virus targets a specific file type, most commonly executable files (.exe), by replicating and infecting files. Due to its targeted nature, this virus type is one of the easier ones to detect and remove.

4. File Infector

By targeting executable files (.exe), file infector viruses slow down programs and damage system files when a user runs them.


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